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BIO et bien-être

My name is Helen and I’m originally from Surrey, England. I moved here to France in 2000 at the age of twenty. I have ALWAYS been passionate about natural and organic products, since my early childhood I could be found mixing up my potions.

I qualified as a pharmaceutical technicien in the UK and have attended several small training sessions about aromatherapy, homeotherapy and other manners of treating oneself with ‘natural’ medecine.

It is with great pleasure that I reccently discovered the company Elixir d’Essence and I am very much looking forward to combining my passion with my work. I hope to be able to help you both as a consultant but also an animator for various workshops on how to create your own products (to be held here in central Manche, dept 50 )

BIO et bien-être is a registered business under the micro entrepreneur scheme

SIRET 522 970 094 00028

Elixir d'Essences


The brand Elixir d'Essences was born from an idea of Marine Gouriou et Gaëtan Renault to bring a range of natural products at an affordable price. 

They had found that the majority of cosmetics were not only overpriced (to pay for fancy packaging) but that they also contained many allergens and petrol bi products.

With Elixir d'Essences you are in control - bye bye the parabens, silicones etc.

You can use products that are natural, more effective and less allergen. 

Basically we bring you QUALITY, NATURAL and EFFICIENT products at the right price. 

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